Branson Ticket Source
Price Including Taxes & Fees*
Prices as of 11/30/2024. Our final price shown is exactly what you pay. Competitor totals may reflect a fee in addition to taxes. Comparison on 1 adult ticket.
Clay Cooper’s Country Express has something for everyone with 25 entertainers on stage, great visual effects and a variety of music - old & new country, rock n roll, gospel, and patriotic! The singing, dancing, and hysterical comedy will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Clay and his gang guarantee a family-friendly show, perfect for all ages. Then in November and December, this show features a Christmas Celebration that has become a "MUST SEE" in Branson. The first half is filled with highlights from the regular season show, and the second half is ALL Christmas! You don’t want to miss it!
Cooper's dynamic cast of players begins with his better half, the beautiful and graceful Tina Cooper. A brilliant dancer herself, Tina choreographs the show and leads the talented troupe of dancers, adding an element to each performance that makes it anything but a typical variety show. Where to begin describing the rest of the stunning line-up in Clay Cooper’s show….how about the popular Third Power? This dynamic trio of vocal artists entertained on the Showboat Branson Belle, and they add some great harmonies to Country Express. Then there’s one of the funniest guys you’ll ever see - Matt Gumm. He’s a gifted musician, and one delightfully skilled comedian - his hilarious impersonations of a variety of artists that include Garth Brooks, Michael Jackson, Tony Bennett, and Rod Stewart keep the audience rolling in the aisles! And proving that a talent for performing can run in families, Clay and Tina’s sons, Colt and Caden, both love to sing, dance, and make audiences laugh out loud. A solid line-up of highly skilled dancers, musicians, and singers round out one of the best entertainment crews in all of Branson!
Additional Information/Helpful Hints
Clay Cooper's Country Express can be found at the Clay Cooper Theatre.
The theatre is located at 3216 West 76 Country Boulevard.
The show is family-friendly and appropriate for all ages.
November and December feature Clay's Ozark Mountain Christmas Celebration.
There is a gift shop and concession area in the lobby.
When you’re ready to hear great music...when you’re ready to enjoy neat tricks and special effects...when you’re ready to laugh until it hurts, you’re ready for Clay Cooper’s Country Express!
Make sure you come back for the Clay-Goods JamborEVE, the exciting New Year’s Eve show that brings together the delightful Clay Cooper and the immensely popular Haygoods in one knockdown, bang-up, blast of a year-end celebration!
Christmas Show
Clay Cooper’s Ozark Mountain Christmas Celebration takes the stage with big holiday excitement during November and December! Clay’s huge cast of talented players turns on the Christmas charm for a show full of joy, inspiration, and old-fashioned family-friendly festivities. Everyone from ole St. Nick himself to the Grinch gets in on the action, to the delight of young and old alike! When it’s time to head to Branson for the yule-time season, make sure Clay Cooper’s Ozark Mountain Christmas Celebration is on your holiday hit list!